Discover Our Legacy: Celebrating Traditional Events for Over 25 Years of Pride
At Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions, we place importance on the social empowerment of every student in line with their interests and talents, alongside academic success. Our students develop their social skills and talents Through more than 100 student clubs opened for each age group, based on the levels, interests, and talents of our students; post-school team and special talent activities; national and international competitions and events they participate. In addition to all these, the events we organize at Eyüboğlu, which have become an indispensable part of school life, contribute to enhancing their social skills and abilities.
In Eyüboğlu with a deep-rooted history, our events, each of which is a separate value, have been proudly continued for more than 30 years, gaining national and international recognition:
- 34th Music and Dance Night
- 33rd Literature and Book Days
- 33rd Eyüboğlu White Elephant International Chess Tournament
- 28th Science and Space Festival
- 24th Active Painting Competition
- 20th Parent Symposium
- 20th TOK Conference
- 17th Shine with Your Voice Singing Competition

Eyüboğlu White Elephant International Chess Tournament
Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions, proud to organize chess tournaments since 1991, became the first Turkish educational institution to include chess lessons in its curriculum in 1998. The Eyüboğlu White Elephant International Chess Tournament aims not only to instill qualities such as problem-solving, mental discipline, and knowledge production in students but also to strengthen personal and social values such as respect, sharing, competition, and accepting different perspectives. Since 2019, the tournament has gained an "international" character, attracting numerous chess players every year. The tournament is open not only to Eyüboğlu students but also to chess players of all ages and levels from across Turkey, offering competition opportunities in 8 different categories: Elite, U18, U14, U12, U10, U9, U8 and U7.
Literature and Book Days
Eyüboğlu Literature and Book Days are organized based on the approach that reading books is essential for accumulating knowledge, establishing communication, and perceiving the world. With a different theme and slogan each year, Literature and Book Days aim to instill the pleasure and habit of reading books in students. Throughout the three-day event, students have the opportunity to meet authors visiting Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions, engage in discussions, and get their books signed. Students and parents also encounter thousands of books at the publishing house stands set up during the event. Within the scope of Eyüboğlu Literature and Book Days, the symbolic streets that separate the bookshelves of the Library and Media Center are named after a famous literary figure each year. Among these names are Attila İlhan, Sabahattin Eyüboğlu, Sabahattin Ali, Nazım Hikmet, Can Yücel, Rıfat Ilgaz, Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy, William Shakespeare, Haldun Taner, Behçet Necatigil, Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Yaşar Kemal, and Dostoevsky.

Music and Dance Night
Music and Dance Night is organized to bring together the performances prepared by students throughout the year with students, teachers, staff, and parents. The event includes classical pieces, musicals, songs in Turkish and foreign languages, and dance performances staged by the school choir, school orchestra, and dance groups. Students make the evening special by presenting performances in music, dance, and visual arts every year for the benefit of a non-governmental organization.
International Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Conference
In schools implementing International Baccalaureate Programs, the "Theory of Knowledge" course, referred to as TOK, is an important part of the program. This course aims to enable students to critically approach their knowledge and value judgments, be tolerant and understanding of the beliefs and judgments of others. The purpose of the International Theory of Knowledge Conference, themed around knowledge and culture, is to bring together students from different cultures who are part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP). The conference encourages students to discuss their ideas under the theme of knowledge and culture, understand cultures by seeing and recognizing them, bring theory and practice together in a city with a rich cultural mosaic like Istanbul, and serve young people in understanding each other for the benefit of world culture and peace. The conference, the first of its kind organized by Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions, has garnered significant interest on international platforms.

Walking Together in Steps Towards the Future...

University Fair
The University Fair is one of our guidance events organized by the Eyüboğlu Guidance and Psychological Counseling Unit to guide students in their career planning, raise awareness about personal development and vocational preferences, and provide support. Representatives from various domestic and international universities participate in the University Fair. During the event, students have the opportunity to learn about different universities' campuses, departments, and the opportunities they offer.

Career Day
Career Day is organized to help students choose the most suitable profession based on their interests and talents, and to find answers to their questions about the professions they are interested in. The event, held as simultaneous sessions and professional workshops, brings together professionals who have combined theory with practice, academics, and influential names in the business world. Career Day plays an effective role in students' career planning processes, vocational decision-making, and setting professional goals.

College Day
College Day is an event organized to bring together Eyüboğlu graduates studying at international universities with Eyüboğlu students who want to study abroad. First held in the 2004-2005 academic year, the event is attended by Eyüboğlu graduates studying abroad. During the event, students gain information not only about education but also about social life and accommodation opportunities abroad.
Leaving Our Imprint Across Every Avenue of Life...

Science and Space Festival
Science and Space Festival is an event where Eyüboğlu students, as well as students from different schools, showcase their scientific projects. The festival includes scientific demonstrations, competitions, fun experiments, award-winning knowledge contests, and sky observations. With Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions' observatories, such as the one opened in 1997 and the Kemerburgaz Planetarium, this traditional event is enriched, allowing a close examination of celestial bodies and the extraordinary features of the sky. Throughout the festival, students and parents from kindergarten to high school gain interesting information about natural sciences and astronomy, discovering the enjoyable aspects of science. During the event, the projects displayed by students are evaluated by a jury in various categories, and at the end of the day, the winners are awarded in a ceremony.

Shine with Your Voice Singing Competition
Organized as a traditional event since 2006, the Shine with Your Voice Singing Competition allows middle and high school students to compete with their Turkish and foreign language songs and visual shows, providing an exciting and enjoyable stage experience. The competition has provided an opportunity for more than 1200 students to showcase their talents. The goal of the competition is for participants to sing a song from different genres, including rock, pop, Turkish music, jazz, soul, folk music, R&B, chill out, metal, funky, valid both in Turkey and internationally, in the best way possible. The competition, consisting of two stages, where candidates submit performance videos in the first stage, which are then evaluated by a jury consisting of our school's music teachers, determines the students who will compete in the final stage. In the second stage, finalists perform live, and the winners of the competition are determined and announced through a jury vote.

Active Painting Competition
The Active Painting Competition, held since 1998, is Turkey's first and only instant painting competition where numerous students paint simultaneously. Students from primary, middle, and high schools participate in the competition, where students are asked to paint within a specified time frame based on a given theme. Paintings are evaluated by a jury, including artists, and at the end of the day, students are presented with awards at an award ceremony.

Parent Symposium
Based on the understanding that education is a process that takes place through communication and interaction between school, parent, and student, the Parent Symposium has been organized since 2001. During the symposium, parents meet with reputable and valuable experts. In addition, Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions teachers give presentations on various interesting topics. Participating parents choose to attend presentations prepared for all levels from kindergarten to high school.