The principle of continuity in education ensures holistic learning and continuous development. At Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions, every student is encouraged to realize their social potential in alignment with their interests and abilities, considered equally important as academic success. In this regard, alongside internationally integrated academic programs successfully incorporated into the national curriculum, Eyüboğlu students engage in club activities every week starting from the Kindergarten Prep class, tailored to their interests and talents.
Choosing from over 100 student clubs that cover a wide range of sports and arts disciplines such as archery, fencing, photography, modern dance, and equestrian, students find excellent opportunities and full support to develop themselves in their chosen field throughout their lives at Eyüboğlu. After school hours, students participate in activities in the fields of arts and sports, specialize in their chosen club activity based on their talents, and represent the school in competitions. They share their ongoing club activities with the school community at the end of the year.
At Eyüboğlu, students continue their studies in clubs involving academic, artistic, and sports fields, choosing based on their age group and interests every year.

- Athletics
- Basketball
- Baseball
- Horseback Riding
- Fencing
- Fitness
- Soccer
- Golf
- Handball
- Gymnastics
- Archery
- Chess
- Step
- Water ball
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- Sail
- Swimming

- A capella
- Band
- Body Percussion
- Cello
- Dance
- Industrial design
- Photography
- Guitar
- Folk Dance
- Cartoons and Comics
- Violin
- High School Orchestra
- Wind Orchestra
- School Orchestra
- Picture
- Ceramics-Sculpture
- Cinema Criticism Club
- Theatre
- Turkish Theater
- String Orchestra
- Young Writers

- Certification Exam Prep Club German
- Certification Exam Prep Club Spanish
- English Debate
- Eyüboğlu Youth Parliament
- Eyüboğlu Media Club
- Young Philosophers
- Young Entrepreneurs
- Young Writers
- Global Exploreres Spanish
- Global Explorers German
- Global Issues Network
- English Drama
- Junior Masterchef
- Global Perspectives Club
- Masterchef
- Model Government Europe
- Model United Nations
- Discussion
- Social Responsibility Club
- Super Estrellas de Idiomas Modernos
- Superstars der Modernen Sprachen
- Ted Ed
- TEDX Youth Club
- Writer's Corner
- Creativity (Destination Imagination)

- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Astronomy and Space
- Science Detectives
- Cisco Computer Networking Systems
- Programming for Kids
- ECO School
- Electronic Robotics
- Science Project Club
- Science in Film
- First lego League (FLL)
- First Robotics FRC
- Sky Photography
- Coding
- Lego Robots
- Mad Scientists
- Mathematics & TÜBİTAK
- Mathematical Mind & Strategy Games
- WWF-World Wild Fund
- Intelligence and Strategy Games