With a curriculum designed to encompass a holistic approach to education, sports is a significant element of our students' education from the age of 3 to the end of the 12th grade. Through physical education classes in the curriculum, various student clubs related to different sports branches, and school teams, students are introduced to a variety of sports disciplines, making sports an integral part of their education.
Starting from the age of 3, our students are introduced to activities that support the development of muscle and motor skills, such as hand-foot-brain coordination exercises, and explore disciplines such as gymnastics, swimming, yoga, chess, and more. Throughout primary, middle, and high school, they acquire fundamental skills in each sports branch and gain competence in various disciplines.
Physical education classes, where fundamental skills of each sports branch are taught, are presented through games, exercises, and drills tailored to the characteristics of each level. Beginning with development-supporting physical activities in kindergarten, physical education focuses on specific sports branches from the 4th grade onwards, gradually progressing to provide students with competence in various disciplines such as gymnastics, basketball, handball, swimming, volleyball, chess, and more. Thanks to early physical education, students become competent in technical, tactical, offensive, and defensive aspects of their chosen sports when they reach high school.

Unique Sports Facilities
Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions support students in engaging in sports throughout their educational lives with specially designed Art and Sports Complexes, open and indoor sports areas, and swimming pools at Çamlıca, Burçak Eyüboğlu West Ataşehir, and Kemerburgaz Campuses. All students benefit from the institution's sports facilities as part of their physical education classes and school life.
At the Çamlıca campus, there are 7 outdoor fields, including 3 basketball, 2 football, 1 tennis/volleyball, and 1 handball field.
The Art and Sports Complex includes 2 indoor sports fields, 1 semi-Olympic swimming pool, 3 dance rooms, and 1 fitness room.
At the Kemerburgaz campus, there are 5 outdoor fields, including 2 basketball, 1 football, 1 tennis, and 1 volleyball field, along with 1 multi-purpose indoor sports hall, a swimming pool, and a dance room.
Burçak Eyüboğlu West Ataşehir campus features 3 outdoor fields, including 1 basketball, 1 tennis/volleyball, and 1 football field, as well as 2 indoor sports fields, 3 dance rooms, and a swimming pool. Burçak Eyüboğlu West Ataşehir Kindergarten has 1 multi-purpose indoor sports hall and 1 dance room.
At the Ataşehir campus, there is 1 outdoor volleyball field, 1 multi-purpose indoor sports hall, and 1 dance room.
These facilities provide ample opportunities for all students to engage in sports.
Choose Sports Clubs, Prioritize Sports in Your Life
Students interested in sports can choose from a wide range of student clubs dedicated to various sports branches based on their interests. In the field of sports, our student clubs include athletics, basketball, equestrian, gymnastics, fencing, football, golf, handball, chess, tennis, volleyball, swimming, fitness, archery, baseball, sailing, and more. These clubs, designed with consideration for students' physical development, may vary according to age and level.
Compete in Inter-School Competitions with School Teams
Selections are made for sports branches for 2nd-grade primary school students based on their interests and talents. Students are trained in sports branches they are inclined towards, such as gymnastics, basketball, handball, swimming, and chess, with support through after-school practices and training sessions held twice a week. Youth development teams are formed.
Starting from middle school, students compete in inter-school competitions and championships in gymnastics, basketball, handball, swimming, chess, volleyball, as well as skiing, snowboarding, golf, athletics, tennis, table tennis, equestrian, fencing, archery, and sailing teams.
Eyüboğlu International White Elephant Chess Tournament
Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions, the first Turkish educational institution to include chess in its curriculum in 1998, takes pride in being an educational institution that has been organizing chess tournaments for 30 years. The White Elephant Chess Tournament aims to enhance mental skills such as problem-solving, mental discipline, and knowledge generation. It also seeks to strengthen personal and social values in our students, including respect for others, sharing, competition, and accepting different perspectives. Since 2019, the tournament has gained an "international" status.
With the participation of a record number of athletes, the Eyüboğlu International White Elephant Chess Tournament provides an opportunity for chess players of all ages and levels from Turkey, not only Eyüboğlu students. The competition takes place in six different categories: Elite, U18, U14, U12, U10, and U8.

Discover Golf's Wonders from a Young Age!
Eyüboğlu students benefit from the facilities of the Ataşehir Golf Club. Students who choose the golf club from the student clubs conduct their club lessons at the Ataşehir Golf Club. Ataşehir Golf Club, sponsored by Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions, holds the distinction of being the third golf club in Istanbul and the first on the Anatolian side. Its city-center location makes it easily accessible. Eyüboğlu students interested in golf utilize the training and academic facilities of the golf course, achieving success in the sport of golf.