Doing well is important; it is success. What's even more important is making the good things permanent.

Dr. Rüstem Eyüboğlu

Rüstem Eyüboğlu

Dr. Rüstem Eyüboğlu was born in 1940 in the Çayeli district of Rize, Turkey. After graduating from Vefa High School, he earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 1968. Dr. Rüstem Eyüboğlu, in 1976, went to Sheffield University in the United Kingdom for his doctoral studies. He worked as a lecturer at Yıldız Technical University until 1985. The foundation of Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions was laid with the establishment of the Arı Dershanesi in 1970.

Dr. Rüstem Eyüboğlu has held various leadership roles, including the positions of Chairman of the Board for the Eyüboğlu Education, Culture, and Social Assistance Foundation, as well as the Burçak Rüstem Eyüboğlu Education and Health Foundation. He has also been a Founding Member and 2nd Chairman of the Vefa Foundation and played a role in establishing the Çayeli Foundation. Additionally, Dr. Rüstem Eyüboğlu has been a member of various organizations, including TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry and Business Association), İTO (Istanbul Chamber of Commerce), the Turkish Heart Foundation, the Chamber of Electrical Engineers, and the Rize Foundation. He served as the General Manager of Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions until 1999. Dr. Rüstem Eyüboğlu, who served as the President of the Turkey Association of Private Schools between 1999 and 2009, is currently the Honorary President of both the Turkey Association of Private Schools and Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions.

By taking on the responsibility of nurturing young individuals entrusted to our educational understanding, Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions, which we established, has left half a century behind. The successes of our graduates who are currently receiving education in many parts of our country and the world, or who have completed their education and are primarily serving humanity in various roles with a sense of pride and hope, are the main reasons for our pride and optimism.

Equipped with the most advanced knowledge, capable of thinking and acting correctly, honoring the work for the future of the country and humanity, self-confident, creative, and adhering to the principles of Atatürk, these young people have become the goals of all our students at Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions. Despite all the challenges of the educational science whose raw material is "human," Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions will continue to educate Atatürkist, innovative, contemporary, and successful young individuals for the service of humanity.

Dr. Rüstem Eyüboğlu

Rüstem Eyüboğlu