Clubs in Our Middle Schools
In Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions middle schools, student clubs are an integral part of the academic program. Through club activities, we aim to provide our students with opportunities to develop themselves in areas of interest, gain experience and skills, strengthen their individual aspects, acquire social skills, experience team membership, enhance their leadership abilities, and develop cultural awareness. Our middle schools offer a wide range of club activities that are highly diverse, spanning sports, arts, sciences, and areas promoting intercultural interaction and global networking. Students have the freedom to choose the club that interests them the most or even propose the establishment of a new club. These club activities throughout the academic year contribute to the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of our students.

- Athletics
- Basketball
- Horseback Riding
- Fencing
- Fitness
- Soccer
- Golf
- Handball
- Archery
- Chess
- Step
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- Sail
- Swimming

- Cello
- Dance
- Folk Dance
- Cartoons and Comics
- School Orchestra
- Ceramics-Sculpture
- Turkish Theater
- String Orchestra
- Young Writers

- Young Philosophers
- Young Writers
- English Drama
- Global Perspectives Club
- Masterchef
- Discussion
- Super Estrellas de Idiomas Modernos
- Superstars der Modernen Sprachen
- Ted Ed
- Creativity (Destination Imagination)

- Astronomy and Space
- ECO School
- Electronic Robotics
- Science in Film
- First lego League (FLL)
- Sky Photography
- Coding
- Mad Scientists
- WWF-World Wild Fund
- Intelligence and Strategy Games