Club Activities in Our High Schools
Eyüboğlu College and Burçak Eyüboğlu Science and Technology High School students actively participate in club activities from the preparatory class to the end of the 11th grade. Our high school students can choose from a wide range of clubs in the fields of sports, arts, science, and cross-cultural interaction, and they can also take the lead in establishing a new club in an area of their interest. Through our club activities, it is aimed for our students to develop themselves in their areas of interest, gain experience and skills, strengthen and enhance their individual aspects, acquire social skills, experience being a member of a team, improve their leadership skills, and gain cultural awareness. Our club activities throughout the academic year not only support the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development of our students but also enable them to gain a wide range of experiences at both the local and global levels.

- Basketball
- Baseball
- Horseback Riding
- Fencing
- Fitness
- Soccer
- Golf
- Handball
- Archery
- Chess
- Water ball
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- Sail
- Swimming

- A capella
- Band
- Dance
- Industrial design
- Photography
- Folk Dance
- High School Orchestra
- Wind Orchestra
- Picture
- Cinema Criticism Club
- Theatre
- String Orchestra

- Certification Exam Prep Club German
- Certification Exam Prep Club Spanish
- English Debate
- Eyüboğlu Youth Parliament
- Eyüboğlu Media Club
- Young Entrepreneurs
- Global Exploreres Spanish
- Global Explorers German
- Global Issues Network
- Model Government Europe
- Model United Nations
- Discussion
- Social Responsibility Club
- TEDX Youth Club
- Creativity (Destination Imagination)

- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Astronomy and Space
- Cisco Computer Networking Systems
- Science Project Club
- First Robotics FRC
- Mathematics & TÜBİTAK
- WWF-World Wild Fund